Our control objective for the jacketed stirred reactor is to maintain reactor exit stream temperature at set point in spite of disturbances caused by a changing cooling liquid temperature entering the vessel jacket. In previous articles, we have established thedesign level of operation for the reactor and explored the performance of a single loopPI controller and a PID with CO Filter controller in meeting our control objective.
Our control objective for the jacketed stirred reactor process is to minimize the impact on reactor operation when the temperature of the liquid entering the cooling jacket changes. We have previously explored the modes of operation and dynamic CO-to-PV behavior of the reactor. We also have established the performance of a single loop PI controller […]
When improved disturbance rejection performance is our goal, one benefit of a cascade control (nested loops) architecture over a feed forward strategy is that implementing a cascade builds upon our existing skills. The cascade block diagram is presented in the graphic below (click for a large view) and discussed in detail in this article. As […]
Two popular control strategies for improved disturbance rejection performance are cascade control and feed forward with feedback trim. Improved performance comes at a price. Both strategies require that additional instrumentation be purchased, installed and maintained. Both also require additional engineering time for strategy design, tuning and implementation.